Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
Apply Artificial Intelligence easily in your organisation.

Getting the most from your data
With your data and the power of Microsoft Azure, there are endless possibilities for distinguishing yourself. We believe that you can find unexpected answers in your data sources and systems, using new, smart algorithms. Our analysts will make sure you get the most out of your data with Microsoft Machine Learning.
Artificial Intelligence in three sprints
We combine the best of scrum with a clear beginning and a clear end. Our approach consists of three iterations in which we build on maximum insight and working code with you.

Scope and layout
In a first collaboration, we determine together what the frameworks are for the sprints. Which data can be included in the iterations? Which questions are looking for answers? Which sections of the organisation will participate, and can we access the data? We set up the Azure Machine Learning environment for your organisation.
Data editing
Data is crucial to success. Together, we inventory the available data and make it accessible in the Machine Learning development environment. Coordinating with your organisation, we cleanse, structure, and enrich the data.
Model development
There's a rich arsenal of algorithms and models available in Azure Machine Learning with which to find patterns and correlations in data. Using the previously formulated questions as a starting point, we set up the best-fit models.
Model validation
We test the developed models with additional data. Are the connections that the models give us from the data also logically explained by organisational stakeholders? Does it make sense to continue down the path that has been set? We coordinate this with the organisation.
Connecting model to application
Machine Learning in Azure enables access to other systems with APIs. In this way, we connect the developed and validated model to new or existing business applications.
Questions? Sjoerd will be only happy to help
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning